Coach Hill Coach Richardson Coach Davis Coach Howard
Activities Include: football, basketball, volleyball, paddle tennis, frisbee, softball, soccer, dancing, kickball, speedball and various sports drills and games.

Class Rules
1. All students are required to dress out for PE. Fruit Cove PE shirts are mandatory for dressing out. Shorts that are worn to PE must be Fruit Cove PE shorts or solid navy blue or solid black athletic shorts with a minimum of a 6-inch inseam. Sweatpants, athletic pants, and leggings may be worn, but they must be either solid navy blue or solid black. Sweatshirts and jackets must be worn over the FCMS PE shirt only when the weather gets cold.
You may purchase gym clothes on School Pay at anytime during the school year.
2. All shirts must have student’s name in permanent marker across the back shoulder in large print. PE shorts must be marked with the student’s initials.
3. A portion of a student’s grade will be based on dressing out and participating in class. If student is unable to participate, their guardian must send in an excuse note to their PE teacher. If student is unable to participate for more than one week a student must bring in an excuse note from their physician.
4. All students must have a combination lock to receive a locker. For safety reasons no key type locks will be allowed. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITEMS LEFT IN THE LOCKER ROOM.
5. Only non marking soles are allowed. No boots, dress shoes, sandals, Crocs, Hey Dudes, backless shoes, Sperry’s, or cleats are allowed. If you are uncertain if your child’s shoes meet criteria you are welcome to bring them in and we will determine if they are acceptable.
6. No food, drinks (other than water), no glass containers, no spray items, or gum are allowed in the gym or locker rooms.
7.Cell phones must be left in the locker room and should be locked up. If students are using cell phones, the phone will be confiscated, turned into Rm. 740, and a referral will be issued.
8. Jewelry should not be worn during P.E. This includes earrings, watches, anklets, rings and necklaces. Please keep jewelry locked up in the PE locker. Athletic watches are permitted.
8. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles, hats, sun screen(lotion only), and sun glasses during outdoor PE activities.
We are excited about our program and with your support we can make this school year successful.
*PE Department Wishlist- Paper Towels, Computer Paper, Kleenex, and Band-aids.