January 12, 2024

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet this upcoming Wednesday afterschool. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet after school on Wednesday in the Weight Room from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip as you must have a permission slip on file to attend! See

Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Attention all Runners! 2024 Track and Field Season begins January 15th with a Track and Field Preview and Parent Meeting. Please see Coach Jill Benavides Room 570 for Track and Field 2024 forms and information.

All library books that were checked out before Winter Break are now overdue. Please return books to the white bin outside the main library doors since testing will be going on all week.

Yearbooks are on sale now and going fast. Buy yours today before they’re gone. Stop by Room 670 or check out the billboard near the cafeteria for more information.

If you are an 8th grade student who is testing this morning, please report to your lab at this time. If you are a 7th grader who missed testing yesterday, please report to the testing window at this time.