December 6, 2023
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet today afterschool. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet afterschool in the gym from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick up a permission slip in the gym. You must have a permission slip on file to attend. See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.
The SJMSAA boy’s varsity soccer team advanced to the semi-finals after beating Pacetti Bay last night 3-0.
The National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring a toy drive through December 8. Please bring in any new toys to your homeroom teacher. The homeroom with the most donated toys will win a special treat. Let’s help give joy to other children. All donated toys will be given to local charities.
Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) will be meeting this Thursday, December 7 after school in Ms. Carroll’s Portable 4. It is NOT too late to join. You can get paperwork from the front office or see Ms. Carroll or Ms. Kalfa for details. Hope to see you there!