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Students use Clever to access Schoology, Office 365, and other links for students. For online textbooks, students in grades 6-8 use Schoology.

School Hours

7:10AM  Students Allowed in Building
7:30AM  Start Time
1:50PM  Dismissal
12:50PM  Wednesday Dismissal
7:00AM-3:00PM  Office Hours

Important Dates

Sept. 10-13
Book Fair
September 10
SAC meeting 2:30pm
Book Fair Parent Night 4-6pm
September 11
Interims Issued
September 20
Teacher Inservice Day- Student Holiday
October 8
SAC meeting 2:30pm
October 11
First Quarter Ends
October 14
Teacher Planning Day-Student Holiday
October 24
Report Cards
October 25
PTO Back to School Dance
November 11
Veterans Day – Student/Teacher Holiday
November 12
SAC meeting 2:30pm
November 14
Interims Issued
November 25-29
Thanksgiving Break – Student/Teacher Holiday
December 10
SAC meeting 2:30pm
December 20
Second Quarter/First Semester Ends
12:50pm dismissal
Dec. 23-Jan. 2
Winter Break – Student/Teacher Holiday

School News

The September Testing Calendar


Fruit Cove Middle School regularly uses volunteers in several areas such as after school events, field trips, chaperoning, sporting events, drama productions, band, parent conferences and PTO – the opportunities are plentiful! They exist during school and after school hours so helping out can fit almost anyone’s schedule!

For the safety of the students and staff at Fruit Cove, St. Johns County School District has a policy where all visitors must complete a volunteer online school access form which is good for three years. When doing so you are agreeing to a criminal background check and a sexual offender check. You are also agreeing to abide by the policies and procedures of the St. Johns County School Board and its facilities while volunteering. The process can take two – six weeks to process your form.

If you have any questions feel free to contact our office at (904)547-7880.


From the front office

Forgotten items If a student has left schoolwork, a project, PE clothes, a band instrument, etc., please drop it off no later than 8:15AM.  These items will not be taken after that time.  The only exceptions would be lunch, money for lunch, glasses, or medicine.  Thank you for your help with this!
Early checkout If you need to take your student out of school early, the latest time that he/she can be picked up is at 1:20PM (12:20PM on Wednesdays).  If you come after that time, you will need to wait until dismissal at 1:50PM (12:50PM on Wednesdays) to get your student.

Connect With Us


Follow Fruit Cove Middle School on Instagram!


Follow Fruit Cove Middle School W.E.B. "Where Everyone Belongs" on Instagram!

Fall Book Fair starts Tuesday, September 10. Get at sneak peek at the books – Book Fair – Digital Flyer

·       Students can shop Tuesday, September 10 – Friday, September 13.

·       Parents can join the kids on Tuesday, September 10 between 4 PM and 6 PM.

·       Accepted methods of payment include Scholastic e-wallet, debit/credit cards & Apple/Google pay.

Unspent funds from a past Fair? – To transfer them to this Fair , login to your Scholastic Account and create a new eWallet—then your previous balance will be available to transfer as an eGift Card.

How to set a new eWallet? – Click on the following link – Book Fair – Ewallet.

Want to help in the bookfair? – Please use the following link below to sign up – Sign up Link for Book Fair

Our School Advisory Council (SAC) needs teacher and staff members for the 2024-2025 school year! Please reach out if you can join us! 😊

What is SAC?

  • A council of parents, school faculty and staff, and other community and business members who meet to address the needs of the school, as related to the school improvement plan.
  • A council of stakeholders who vote on expenditures to support the school improvement plan, such as items for PBIS and new computers that were approved and purchased last year.
  • FCMS SAC meets once a month, on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:30pm. Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 2:30pm in the Media Center.

What are the duties of the teacher, parent, business, and community representatives?

  • Members act as a resource for SAC in the areas of community related issues that affect the school and its students.
  • Members serve as a communications link between SAC, business, community, and parent groups.
School Counselor Assignments School counselor assignments will be based on students’ last names.  Both counselors will be assigned students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, based on the students’ last names. Ms. England
Last names A – L (6 – 8th grades)
Ms. Howard
Last names M – Z  (6 – 8th grades)

Dean Assignments
Dean Cornell
7th  Grade Last Names M – Z
8th Grade – All students
Dean Sharpe
6th Grade – All students
7th Grade Last Names A – L


If a student is unable to attend school, upon returning, the parent/guardian must complete an online attendance form, BELOW, or submit a note within 48 hours stating the date of the absence, the specific reason for the absence, and  have the parent/guardian’s signature. Emails and phone calls are not accepted as notification of absence.

Reporting Bullying

St. Johns County School District believes that all students and employees be afforded a setting that is safe, secure, and free from bullying and harassment of any kind. In compliance with Florida Statute 1006.147 and School Board Rule 3.21, the school district has adopted a comprehensive policy prohibiting bullying and harassment.

If you are a person with a disability who needs assistance, please contact Adrienne Hilts at (904) 547-7880

School District News

"IEP 101: Understanding the IEP Process" Virtual Discussion on October 1

Please join us on October 1, 2024, from 6pm to 7:30pm for a virtual discussion titled "IEP 101: Understanding the IEP Process." The discussion will include an informative session on IEPs, where experts from FDLRS will guide you through the key aspects of the IEP process and provide guidance on confidently navigating your child's educational path.

Learn more about this event

IEP 101: Understanding the IEP Proces Flyer

Secondary STEM Fair

Secondary STEM Fair

Are you interested in a middle school Science/STEM Fair project? Please see your middle school science teacher if you would like more details and visit the Secondary STEM Fair web page.

School Access

This is just a reminder that anyone (parent, guardian, friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle) must have school access to attend an event at Fruit Cove Middle School, have lunch with a student and/or attend an awards assembly. If you have not already done so, please complete the School Access Form. The process for approval may take up to 4 weeks, so please fill out the application sooner than later for any guests that would like to have school access. Once the application is approved, school access will be valid for three years.

FortifyFL App

FortifyFL is a website and app developed at the direction of the Florida Legislature. Any student, educator, parent or member of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously and easily through the FortifyFL app or