The Welcome Back dance is tonight from 6-8 pm. If you purchased a ticket, your name will be on a list to enter the dance. Reminder that we are collecting individual ramen cups to donate to St. Johns Cares.
All returning B6 members must stop by to pick up their applications from Mrs. Bass in room 483 or Mrs. McLaughlin in Portable 5 by Tuesday September 12th. If you are not returning and you were in B6 Club last year, please send a message to Mrs. Bass on Schoology.
NJHS officers will meet after school on Tuesday September 12th in Mrs. Doemel’s room.
NJHS general membership will meet right after school on Thursday September 14th. The meeting will be held in the school cafeteria and is for all members. See Ms. Farbo or Mrs. Doemel with any questions.
Attention students, don’t forget the book fair is next week. You will be going to the book fair during your language arts class.
School Yearbooks are on sale now. The discounted price ends on Sept 30th so get yours today. Look for posters around the cafeteria or by room 670 for how to order.
Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 3rd Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.