Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) will be meeting in Ms. Carroll’s Portable 4 today from 2-2:30. It is not too late to join. Stop by Ms. Kalfa or Ms. Carroll’s classes for paperwork to join. Hope to see you there.
B6 Club, NJHS, and WEB are sponsoring a canned food drive from November 1 through November 9. Please bring in any nonperishable food items for the collection. There will be a table set up in the main hallway where you can drop of your donations. Members of WEB and NJHS will be there to collect the items and record your donation for your homeroom. The homeroom with the most donations will receive a cookie treat from NJHS.
National Junior Honor Society is holding a Veteran’s Door decorating contest. The contest runs through November 9. All members of NJHS are required to participate in this event. Please go to the Schoology site and sign up for a door. Two members per door.
The Flyer Volleyball Teams will host the Landrum Lions tonight. The theme for the night is Hawaiian attire, so come out with your best Hawaiian outfit and show support for the teams! Girls’ play at 5:30 and Boys’ play at 6:30. Please purchase your ticket on School Pay!
We are so excited to bring back the Talent Show to Fruit Cove. We are even more excited to announce that our very own celebrity, Dean Hogan, will be the host of the show! Come out to see Dean Hogan and the 14 acts vying to be the next Flyer Talent Show champion. Tickets are being sold by PTO on CheddarUp. Talent Show is Friday at 6pm, we hope to see you all there!