Boys Volleyball played against the Landrum Lions in the Championship match last night. The Boys won in a two-set sweep and remain undefeated with a season record of 14-0 as the 2023 County Champions. Lead stat earners for the boys were: Brayden Carroll with 10 kills, Carson McKitterick with 9 assists, and Jay Balakumar with 5 kills, and Cooper Cunningham with 4 aces. Congratulations Flyers Boys on an amazing season! Thank you to all the faculty, staff, parents, and student body who came out and showed their support this season for Flyers Volleyball! We greatly appreciate your support, and we look forward to next season!
SJMSAA Boyd’s soccer team had a win yesterday.
FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet today afterschool in the weight from 1-2pm. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. Permission slips are available in the gym and youmust have a permission slip on file to attend. See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.
The NJHS all-membership meeting will be held on Thursday, November 16, right after school in the cafeteria. All meetings are mandatory. Also, please remember NJHS dues must be paid by November 30th.
Any student interested in trying out for basketball this year needs to complete the Athletic Waiver before tryouts begin. Girls’ open gym dates begin the Monday we get back from Thanksgiving Break. Please see Ms. Brown in room 510 if you plan on trying out to sign up for the open gym dates and obtain a waiver form. Any boy interested in trying out please sign up with Mr. Tansey in room 425 to sign up for open gym and obtain a waiver form. Open gym begins this week on Friday. Tryouts for both teams will be held in the beginning of December.