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March 13, 2025

Let’s GLOW! The FCMS PTO is sponsoring our spring dance after school on Friday, March 28 from 2-4 pm. Tickets are $10.00 and include 2 slices of pizza, chips and bottled water. There will be a DJ, photobooth and games. Wear your brightest neon colors. You can purchase your ticket on Cheddar Up via the link on the FCMS homepage. Additional candy and Gatorade will be available for purchase (small bills appreciated).

March 12, 2025

There is no after-school tutoring this week.

Tomorrow the last day to bring items for the pet supply drive. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies.

March 11, 2025

There is no after-school tutoring this week.

NJHS is sponsoring a pet supply drive which will end this Thursday, March 13. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies! NJHS members see Schoology for additional instructions.

March 10, 2025

There is no after-school tutoring this week.

NJHS is sponsoring a pet supply drive which will end this Thursday, March 13. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies! NJHS members see Schoology for additional instructions.

March 7, 2025

Attention 8th graders: All Gradventure payments and permission forms are due today. See Ms. Carroll in Portable 4 to submit your paperwork.

NJHS is sponsoring a pet supply drive which will run through Thursday, March 13. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies! NJHS members see Schoology for additional instructions.

NJHS 7th grade members may run for an officer’s position for next year. The positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Please see Schoology for further details.

March 6, 2025

NJHS is sponsoring a pet supply drive which will run through Thursday, March 13. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies! NJHS members see Schoology for additional instructions.

NJHS 7th grade members may run for an officer’s position for next year. The positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Please see Schoology for further details.

March 5, 2025

Attention 8th graders: if you have not purchased your ticket for the semi-formal dance on Sunday, there are still a few tickets remaining. You can still purchase online today via the link on the FCMS homepage.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (FCA) will meet today after school from 1pm to 2pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip in room 570 as it is required to attend FCA meetings. See Coach Richardson in the gym or Coach Jill Benavides if you have any questions.

NJHS is sponsoring a pet supply drive which will run through Thursday, March 13. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies! NJHS members see Schoology for additional instructions.

NJHS 7th grade members may run for an officer’s position for next year. The positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Please see Schoology for further details.

March 4, 2025

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (FCA) will meet this Wednesday, March 5 right after school from 1pm to 2pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip in room 570 as it is required to attend FCA meetings. See Coach Richardson in the gym or Coach Jill Benavides if you have any questions.

There is no after school tutoring today.

Pet supply drive began on Monday, March 3, and will run through Thursday, March 13. Please bring in food, treats, collars, leashes, toys, used towels or blankets, for cats and dogs. The homeroom with the most donations will win fresh baked cookies! NJHS members see Schoology for additional instructions.

All NJHS 7th grade members may run for an officer’s position for next year. The positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Please prepare a 1-2 minute speech to present to all members on Thursday, March 27, during the NJHS all membership meeting after school. See Schoology for further details.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (FCA) will meet this Wednesday, March 5 right after school from 1pm to 2pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip in room 570 as it is required to attend FCA meetings. See Coach Richardson in the gym or Coach Jill Benavides if you have any questions.

There is no after school tutoring on March 4.

Attention 8th graders: The FCMS PTO is hosting the 8th grade semi-formal dance on Sunday March 9 at the St. Johns Golf and Country Club from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Today is the last day to purchase your tickets…Don’t miss this exciting and memorable event of your 8th grade year. There is a link available on the FCMS homepage to purchase tickets via Cheddar Up. Ticket sales will end on Monday, March 3 or before if they sell out.

February 28, 2025

6th graders, if you are interested in participating in the Florida 4-H Public Speaking contest, please see Ms. Sisson in 680 or let your ELA teacher know you would like more information. The school contest will be after school on March 25.

Attention 8th graders: The FCMS PTO is hosting the 8th grade semi-formal dance on Sunday March 9 at the St. Johns Golf and Country Club from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Don’t miss this exciting and memorable event of your 8th grade year. There is a link available on the FCMS homepage to purchase tickets via Cheddar Up. Ticket sales will end on Monday, March 3rd or before if they sell out.