There is no after school tutoring this week.
Let’s GLOW! The FCMS PTO is sponsoring our spring dance after school on Friday, March 28 from 2-4 pm. Tickets are $10.00 and include two slices of pizza, chips and bottled water. There will be a DJ, photobooth and games. Wear your brightest neon colors. You can purchase your ticket on Cheddar Up via the link on the FCMS homepage. Additional candy and Gatorade will be available for purchase (small bills appreciated).
There will be an NJHS all members meeting on Thursday March 27 after school in the cafeteria. Candidates running for office will be presenting speeches.
We have an exciting contest underway. Homerooms are collecting coins for the American Cancer Society. Whichever homeroom collects the most will get to cut off Ms. Holle’s ponytail which will be donated to Locks of Love. This is all part of our efforts to promote the Relay for Life event on April 12. If you are interested in joining the Relay for Life walking team, please Ms. Holle or Ms. Sweet for more information. Let’s make a positive impact together and bring those coins in!
Congratulations to this year’s Speech Contest Winners:
- 3rd Place: Vathsalya Dhanjayan
- 2nd Place: Deekshitha Merugu
- And 1st Place: Mia Martell with her speech; The Power of A Smile.
All three students please report to the media center at this time for your picture. Congratulations to all participants!!!!