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November 21, 2024

8th grade boys’ basketball open gym will be held today after school from 2-3 pm. 6th and 7th grade boys open gym will be Friday November 22. Boys’ basketball tryouts will be held the first week of December and girl’s tryouts will be the following week. A permission slip must be signed and turned into coach Tansey or Coach Byrd.

NJHS, WEB, and B6 Club are sponsoring a toy drive which runs through December 6. Please send in any new or slightly used toys for our local “Toys for Tots” organization.

November 20, 2024

8th grade boys’ basketball open gym will be this Thursday November 21. 6th and 7th grade boys open gym will be Friday November 22. Boys’ basketball tryouts will be held the first week of December and girl’s tryouts will be the following week. A permission slip must be signed and turned into coach Tansey or Coach Byrd.

NJHS, WEB, and B6 Club are sponsoring a toy drive which runs through December 6. Please send in any new or slightly used toys for our local “Toys for Tots” organization.

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet today after school from 2pm to 3pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please join us. Be sure to pick up a permission from Coach Jill Benavides Rm 570. Permission slips are required to attend. See Coach Richardson, Ms. Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, Coach Zeke Benavides, and Coach Tansey if you have any questions.

November 19, 2024

Attention Flyers: Tonight is the Fruit Cove Middle School Concert Band and Wind Symphony Winter performance. It will be held in the auditorium and starts at 6:30 PM. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Admission is free, looking forward to seeing you there.

8th grade boys’ basketball open gym will be this Thursday November 21.  6th and 7th grade boys open gym will be Friday November 22. Boys’ basketball tryouts will be held the first week of December and girl’s tryouts will be the following week. A permission slip must be signed and turned into coach Tansey or Coach Byrd.

NJHS, WEB, and B6 Club are sponsoring a toy drive which runs through December 6. Please send in any new or slightly used toys for our local “Toys for Tots” organization.

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet this Wednesday, November 20 right after school from 2pm to 3pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please join us. Be sure to pick up a permission from Coach Jill Benavides Rm 570. Permission slips are required to attend. See Coach Richardson, Ms. Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, Coach Zeke Benavides, and Coach Tansey if you have any questions.

November 18, 2024

8th grade boys’ basketball open gym will be this Thursday November 21. 6th and 7th grade boys open gym will be Friday November 22. Boys’ basketball tryouts will be held the first week of December and girl’s tryouts will be the following week. A permission slip must be signed and turned into coach Tansey or Coach Byrd.

Drama club rehearsal resumes this week. Students please check the calendar on Schoology to see which days you are called. Both cast and crew are needed this week.

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet this Wednesday, November 20 right after school from 2pm to 3pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please join us. Be sure to pick up a permission from Coach Jill Benavides Rm 570. Permission slips are required to attend. See Coach Richardson, Ms. Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, Coach Zeke Benavides, and Coach Tansey if you have any questions.

November 15, 2024

8th grade boys’ basketball open gym will be next Thursday November 21. 6th and 7th grade boys open gym will be Friday November 22. Boys’ basketball tryouts will be held the first week of December and girl’s tryouts will be the following week. A permission slip must be signed and turned into coach Tansey or Coach Byrd.

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet next Wednesday, November 20 right after school from 2pm to 3pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please join us. Be sure to pick up a permission from Coach Jill Benavides Rm 570. Permission slips are required to attend. See Coach Richardson, Ms. Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, Coach Zeke Benavides, and Coach Tansey if you have any questions.

Congratulations to the following spelling bee winners: Isaipriyan Arirzhagan – 1st place and to Alexandra Wolcott 2nd place. Great job!

November 13, 2024

The Girls and Boys Volleyball Teams finished their season last night in the Championship match. The girls’ team fought hard against the Pacetti Bay Wildcats in three sets ending their season with a 9-3 record. The Boys team played away against the Swiss Point Raiders and won the Championship match in two sets to remain three-time defending County champs ending their season with a 10-2 record. Lead stat earners for the girls were: Captain Emma Kelley Captain Brianna McNulty, Khloe Hall, Avery Richardson, and Brynn O’Dwyer. Lead stat earners for the boys were: Carson McKitterick, Jace Mayer, Ben Monteiro, and Yuri Dunaievskyi. Congratulations to the Flyers boys and girls vo4lleyball teams for an awesome season.

Girls basketball open gym will be this Thursday the 14 from 2-3pm. 8th grade boys open gym will be next Thursday November 21st. 6th and 7th grade boys open gym will be Friday November 22. Boy’s tryouts will be held the first week of December and Girls tryouts will be the following week. A permission slip must be signed and turned into coach Tansey or coach Byrd.

FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES CLUB (FCA) will meet next Wednesday, November 20 right after school from 2pm to 3pm in the gym. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please join us. Be sure you pick up a permission from Coach Jill Benavides Rm 570. Permission slips are required to attend. See Coach Richardson, Ms. Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, Coach Zeke Benavides, and Coach Tansey if you have any questions.

There is no after school tutoring this week.

There are no drama club rehearsals this week. Rehearsals will begin again on November 18.

There will be an NJHS general membership meeting Thursday, November 14 after school in the cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for all members and will last about 30 minutes.

November 12, 2024

Flyers girls and boys volleyball championship matches will take place this evening. The girls will host the championship match against the Pacetti Bay Wildcats tonight at 5:30 PM. Boys’ volleyball will play away in the championship match against the Swiss Point Raiders at 5:30. You can purchase a ticket on School Pay for $3.00. Please come out and show support for our volleyball teams by wearing your best FLYERS spirit wear. Good luck and GO FLYERS!

Girls’ basketball open gym is next Thursday the 14 from 2-3 pm. Please turn in a permission slip to Coach Tansey or Coach Byrd to attend.

There is no after school tutoring this week.

There are no drama club rehearsals this week. Rehearsals will begin again on November 18.

NJHS officers will meet today after school in Mrs. Doemel’s room. A general membership meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, after school in the cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for all members and will last about 30 minutes.

Congratulations to the SJMSAA boys’ varsity soccer team as they had an outstanding win against Mill Creek Academy Friday evening

November 11, 2024

Today is Veteran’s Day, a special day where we honor and thank all the brave men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. These individuals have made tremendous sacrifices to protect our freedoms and ensure our safety. Veteran’s Day is a time to reflect on the courage, dedication, and service of our veterans. Whether they served in times of war or peace, their commitment to our country deserves our deepest gratitude. Let’s take a moment today to think about the veterans in our own lives—family members, friends, neighbors, and teachers. If you know a veteran, be sure to thank them for their service. A simple “thank you” can mean a lot. Today, all social studies classes will be learning about Veteran’s Day. Understanding its history and the stories of veterans helps us appreciate the significance of this day.

Congratulations to the FLYERS Girls and BOYS volleyball teams for advancing to the Championship match on Tuesday. Girls volleyball will host the championship match against the Pacetti Bay Wildcats tomorrow, Nov. 12 at 5:30 PM. Boys’ volleyball will play away in the Championship match tomorrow against the Swiss Point Raiders at 5:30. You can purchase a ticket on School Pay for $3.00. Please come out and show support for our volleyball teams by wearing your best FLYERS spirit wear. GO FLYERS!

Girls’ basketball open gym is next Thursday the 14 from 2-3 pm. Please turn in a permission slip to Coach Tansey or Coach Byrd to attend.

There will be no afterschool tutoring this week.

There will be no drama club rehearsals this week. Rehearsals will begin again on November 18.

NJHS will have an officers meeting on Tuesday, November 12, after school in Mrs. Doemel’s room. A general membership meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, after school in the cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for all members and will last about 30 minutes.

November 8, 2024

The Girls and Boys Volleyball Teams had huge wins in their semifinals matches at Home over the Swiss Point Raiders and the Pacetti Bay Wildcats last night! Lead stat earners for the girls were: Kinley Bugbee, Emma Kelley, Brianna McNulty, and Brynn O’Dwyer. Lead stat earners for the boys were: Carson McKitterick, Ben Monteiro, and Jace Mayer. The Flyers Girls and Boys Volleyball Teams will play on Tuesday, November 12 in the Championship Tournament.

The girls will host the Pacetti Bay Wildcats on Tuesday at home at 5:30. The boys team will play away against the Swiss Point Raiders at Swiss Point at 5:30 . Please come out and show your support for both teams as they compete in the Championship!

Girls’ basketball open gym is next Thursday the 14 from 2-3 pm. Please turn in a permission slip to Coach Tansey or Coach Byrd to attend.

There will be an informational meeting for the Future Educators Club today after school. It will be held in room 715 (Ms. Jones’ room) from 2:00 – 2:30pm. There are leadership positions available.

There will be no drama club rehearsals next week. Rehearsals will begin again on November 18.

NJHS will have an officers meeting on Tuesday, November 12, after school in Mrs. Doemel’s room. A general membership meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, after school in the cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for all members and will last about 30 minutes.

November 7, 2024

Girls basketball open gym is next Thursday the 14. Please turn a permission slip to Coach Tansey or Coach Byrd to attend.

There will be an informational meeting for the Future Educators Club this Friday November 8. It will be held in room 715 (Ms. Jones’ room) It will be held from 2:00 – 2:30pm. There are leadership positions available.

There will be a drama club rehearsal today after school in room 880. Full onstage cast is required to attend, backstage crew is not needed.

The Flyer Volleyball Teams will play today in the Semi-Finals Tournament at Home. The Girls will play the Swiss Point Raiders at 5:30. The Boys team will play the Pacetti Bay Wildcats at 6:30. Please come out and support both teams! The Home theme is Spirit Wear, so please come out and show your support by wearing your best school spirit attire and cheering our teams on to the Championship match next Tuesday! Purchase your ticket on School Pay. Tickets are $3.00 and concessions will be available.

NJHS will have an officers meeting on Tuesday, November 12, after school in Mrs. Doemel’s room. A general membership meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, after school in the cafeteria. This is a mandatory meeting for all members and will last about 30 minutes.

NJHS, WEB, and the B6 club are sponsoring a food drive which runs through November 8. Please bring in nonperishable food items to help support families and food pantries in St. Johns County. The homeroom with the most donated food items will be rewarded with a sweet surprise.