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September 28, 2023

This week is “Celebrate Freedom Week” across our state. The Preamble states …

The Preamble uses the phrase, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” What does this mean? The natural right to life means that individuals, and not the government, have control over their lives. Liberty means individuals have the right to be free. Being free would later be more fully explained in the Bill of Rights with ideas that included freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceable assembly, freedom of religious exercise, and freedom to petition the government. Finally, “the pursuit of happiness” is whatever individuals define as making them happy. Individuals have the right to try to achieve goals that will lead to their personal happiness. Limits on these rights exist when one person tries to interfere, or limits, the natural rights of another.”

The Flyer Volleyball Teams will play at Home against the Gamble Rogers Stingrays tonight. Please come out and support both teams! It’s Camo spirit Night, so come out and show your best Camo Attire! Girls play at 5:30 and Boys play at 6:30. You can purchase your ticket on Schoolpay for $3.00. We hope to see you there!

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is back! Join us on October 5th to meet others while learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. Meetings will be held in Portable 4 after school on the 1st Thursday of Each Month. You must have signed paperwork to attend. Don’t delay

The Fruit Cove Drama Club will have its first meeting today after school in the auditorium from 2-3:30. This meeting is meant for anyone interested in joining the spring musical Singin’ in the Rain for either a speaking or backstage part. You must have a signed permission slip to join the meeting; permission forms are in Ms. Padgett’s room, room 880. Please see Ms. Padgett for any questions. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet after school in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip in the gym to attend FCA meetings. See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications must be turned in by Friday, October 6th. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can.

September 27, 2023

This week is “Celebrate Freedom Week” across our state. The Preamble states …

The Preamble states that all people have “unalienable rights.” What does that mean? The Declaration describes the specific natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are unalienable (they cannot be taken away by government). Thomas Jefferson took this idea from the Enlightenment thinker, John Locke. He believed that individuals have both a right and a duty to preserve their own lives. Locke also argued that individuals should be free to make choices about how to conduct their own lives as long as they do not interfere with the liberty of others. He believed liberty should be far-reaching. As Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he, and the other Founders, held this idea as fundamental and it has become a building block of our American philosophy.”

Flyer Girls and Boys Volleyball had big wins over the Swiss Point Raiders last night at Home.

Lead stat earners for the girls were: Brianna McNulty with 3 aces and 7 assists, Khloe Hall with 4 kills, and Avery Richardson with 5 digs. Lead stat earners for the boys were: Brayden Carroll with 5 aces and 13 kills, , Cameron Parrish with 5 assists, Carson McKitterick with 5 assists and 5 digs, and Jay Balakumar with 3 digs. The Flyer Volleyball Teams will play at Home against the Gamble Rogers Stingrays tomorrow, September 28th. Please come out and support both teams! It’s Camo Night, so come out and show your best Camo attire! Girls’ play at 5:30 and Boys’ play at 6:30.

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is back! Join us on October 5th to meet others while learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. Meetings will be held in Portable 4 after school on the 1st Thursday of Each Month. You must have signed paperwork to attend. Don’t delay!

The Fruit Cove Drama Club will have its first meeting September 28th in the auditorium from 2-3:30. This meeting is meant for anyone interested in joining the spring musical Singin’ in the Rain for either a speaking or backstage part. At the meeting students will get to know each other, play some drama games, and learn about upcoming meetings and rehearsals. You must have a signed permission slip to join the meeting; permission forms are in Ms. Padgett’s room, room 880. Please see Ms. Padgett for any questions. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet afterschool in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip to attend FCA meetings. *Permission slips are available in the gym! See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications will be made available on Friday, September 22nd and must be turned in by Friday, October 6th. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can. Get ready to learn more about marine organisms and their environment!

September 26, 2023

This week is “Celebrate Freedom Week” across our state. The Preamble states …

The Preamble states that “All men are created equal.” These words from the Declaration of Independence have resonated as the ideals of the United States. In 1776 the phrase “all men are created equal” did not apply to everyone. However, over time, the United States has expanded the idea to include more people into that phrase. Abolitionists in the 19th century asked Americans to live up to the ideal of equality and eliminate slavery. The women’s rights movements of the 19th and 20th centuries championed representation for women. The civil rights movement of the 20th century pressured America to honor the commitment made in the declaration. The document still speaks to us today about the rights of Americans, as it did in 1776. Today we continue to discuss and extend the concept of equality. It is a foundational ideal that we strive to live up to.”

The Flyer Volleyball Teams will play at Home against the Swiss Point Raiders tonight. Please come out and support both teams! It’s School Spirit Night, so come out and show your best school spirit! Girls play at 5:30 and Boys play at 6:30. Tickets are available for purchase on SchoolPay for $3.00. We hope to see you there.

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is back! Join us on October 5th to meet others while learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. Meetings will be held in Portable 4 after school on the 1st Thursday of Each Month. You must have signed paperwork to attend. Don’t delay and join today!

Congratulations to our Boys XC team placing Second this weekend at the Bale and Trail meet at Bartram High School. Scoring for our team was Jordan Erickson, Danny Itkins, Harrison Lafser, Jayce Edwards, Matthew Hurski, Chase Petrick, Zach Thomas. Well done runners!!!!!

The Fruit Cove Drama Club will have its first meeting September 28th in the auditorium from 2-3:30. This meeting is meant for anyone interested in joining the spring musical Singin’ in the Rain for either a speaking or backstage part. At the meeting students will get to know each other, play some drama games, and learn about upcoming meetings and rehearsals. You must have a signed permission slip to join the meeting; permission forms are in Ms. Padgett’s room, room 880. Please see Ms. Padgett for any questions. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet afterschool in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip to attend FCA meetings. *Permission slips are available in the gym! See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications will be made available on Friday, September 22nd and must be turned in by Friday, October 6th. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can. Get ready to learn more about marine organisms and their environment!

September 25, 2023

“This week, September 25 – 29, is designated as Celebrate Freedom Week in Florida and is a chance for all of us to learn about the sacrifices made for freedom in the founding of this country and the values on which this country was founded. Through our morning announcements and social studies classes, we are going to learn more about the intent, meaning, and importance of the Declaration of Independence. Today, we are going to read the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence:

The Flyer Volleyball Teams will play at Home against the Swiss Point Raiders on Tuesday, September 26th. Please come out and support both teams! It’s School Spirit Night, so come out and show your best school spirit! Girls play at 5:30 and Boys play at 6:30. You can purchase your ticket on Schoolpay for $3.00. We hope to see you there!

The Fruit Cove Drama Club will have its first meeting September 28th in the auditorium from 2-3:30. This meeting is meant for anyone interested in joining the spring musical Singin’ in the Rain for either a speaking or backstage part. At the meeting students will get to know each other, play some drama games, and learn about upcoming meetings and rehearsals. You must have a signed permission slip to join the meeting; permission forms are in Ms. Padgett’s room, room 880. Please see Ms. Padgett for any questions. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet afterschool in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip to attend FCA meetings. *Permission slips are available in the gym! See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications will be made available on Friday, September 22nd and must be turned in by Friday, October 6th. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can. Get ready to learn more about marine organisms and their environment!

Art Club is starting soon! If you want to have fun and be creative, this is the club for you! Art club meets every Tuesday after school beginning October 2. Art Club exists to enhance our school community through creative projects. Pick up a permission slip and an application in room 755,

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.

The National Junior Honor Society will be offering tutoring in all subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 2:40. This will begin on Tuesday, September 26. Tuesday tutoring will take place in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays will be in Ms. Farbo’s room. All students welcome.

September 22, 2023

The Fruit Cove Drama Club will have its first meeting September 28th in the auditorium from 2-3:30. This meeting is meant for anyone interested in joining the spring musical Singin’ in the Rain for either a speaking or backstage part. At the meeting students will get to know each other, play some drama games, and learn about upcoming meetings and rehearsals. You must have a signed permission slip to join the meeting; permission forms are in Ms. Padgett’s room, room 880. Please see Ms. Padgett for any questions. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet afterschool in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip to attend FCA meetings. *Permission slips are available in the gym! See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications will be made available on Friday, September 22nd and must be turned in by Friday, October 6th. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can. Get ready to learn more about marine organisms and their environment!

Art Club is starting soon! If you want to have fun and be creative, this is the club for you! Art club meets every Tuesday after school beginning October 2. Art Club exists to enhance our school community through creative projects. Pick up a permission slip and an application in room 755,

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.

The National Junior Honor Society will be offering tutoring in all subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 2:40. This will begin on Tuesday, September 26. Tuesday tutoring will take place in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays will be in Ms. Farbo’s room. All students welcome.

September 21, 2023

We are excited to announce our first Character Counts Students of the Month, with a focus on Fairness, as the pillar for September. Fairness can be shown when you are open-minded and listen to others. You play by the rules and do not take advantage of others. Students are eligible to win who have displayed the character pillar traits and have been rewarded PBIS points for that pillar. We ask that our Students of the Month come to the front office at this time. If you are selected as a Student of the Month, you will receive a one-month free seating lunch pass, school spirit items, and recognition on our bulletin board, website, and Instagram!

Congratulations to our Character Counts Students of the Month:

6th grade: Ziva Trubey

7th grade: Matteo Saputo

8th grade: Henrique Consorte

Teachers, please allow these 3 students to come to the front office at this time. Thank you and congratulations!

The Fruit Cove Drama Club will have its first meeting September 28th in the auditorium from 2-3:30. This meeting is meant for anyone interested in joining the spring musical Singin’ in the Rain for either a speaking or backstage part. At the meeting students will get to know each other, play some drama games, and learn about upcoming meetings and rehearsals. You must have a signed permission slip to join the meeting; permission forms are in Ms. Padgett’s room, room 880. Please see Ms. Padgett for any questions. Hope to see you there!

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet afterschool in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip to attend FCA meetings. *Permission slips are available in the gym! See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications will be made available on Friday, September 22nd and must be turned in by Friday, October 6th. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can. Get ready to learn more about marine organisms and their environment!

Art Club is starting soon! If you want to have fun and be creative, this is the club for you! Art club meets every Tuesday after school beginning October 2. Art Club exists to enhance our school community through creative projects. Pick up a permission slip and an application in room 755,

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.

The National Junior Honor Society will be offering tutoring in all subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 2:40. This will begin on Tuesday, September 26. Tuesday tutoring will take place in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays will be in Ms. Farbo’s room. All students welcome

September 20, 2023

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will begin meeting Wednesday, October 4th. The club is Open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please come on out. We will meet after school in the weightroom from 1pm to 2pm. Please make sure you pick-up a permission slip to attend FCA meetings. *Permission slips are available in the gym! See Coach Richardson, Coach Brown, Coach Jill Benavides, and Coach Zeke Benavides if you have any questions.

Marine Science Club will be starting back up for the 2023 – 2024 school year. All interested students must pick up an application and a permission slip from Ms. Byrd in portable 9. Applications will be made available on Friday, September 22nd and must be turned in by Friday, October 6. Only 25 applicants will be accepted into the club, so make sure to get your applications turned in as soon as you can. Get ready to learn more about marine organisms and their environment!

Art Club is starting soon! If you want to have fun and be creative, this is the club for you! Art club meets every Tuesday after school beginning October 2. Art Club exists to enhance our school community through creative projects. Pick up a permission slip and an application in room 755.

Flyer Girls and Boys Volleyball had big wins over Pacetti Bay Wildcats . Lead stat earners for the girls were: Emma Kelley and Brynn O’Dwyer with 3 aces, Bri McNulty and Maya Geerdes with 2 kills, and Emily Kime with 2 assists. Lead stat earners for the boys were: Brayden Carroll with 9 aces and 5 kills, Jay Balakumar with 6 aces and 5 kills, Cameron Parrish with 5 assists, and Carson McKitterick with 4 assists. The Flyer Volleyball Teams will play at Home against the Swiss Point Raiders next Tuesday, September 26th. Please come out and support both teams! It’s School Spirit Night, so come out and show your best school spirit! Girls play at 5:30 and Boys play at 6:30.

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.

The National Junior Honor Society will be offering tutoring in all subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 2:40. This will begin on Tuesday, September 26. Tuesday tutoring will take place in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays will be in Ms. Farbo’s room. All students welcome.

September 19, 2023

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.

The National Junior Honor Society will be offering tutoring in all subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 2:40. This will begin on Tuesday, September 26. Tuesday tutoring will take place in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays will be in Ms. Farbo’s room. All students welcome

September 18, 2023

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.

The National Junior Honor Society will be offering tutoring in all subjects on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 2:40. This will begin on Tuesday, September 26. Tuesday tutoring will take place in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays will be in Ms. Farbo’s room. All students welcome.

September 15, 2023

Sunday is Constitution Day across the United States. This federal holiday commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. The Constitution created the structure of our government. It is the most important document in our country’s history and one of the most significant documents in world history.

Why do we celebrate Constitution Day today? We celebrate Constitution Day because that historic document, along with its Bill of Rights, created the first government that existed to serve its people. The Constitution was created by the people for the benefit of the people. We celebrate Constitution Day not for the history behind it but for the role it serves in the lives of all Americans. The protections the Constitution upholds are just as important now as they were in 1787. Happy Constitution Day!

School Yearbooks are on sale now. The discounted price ends on Sept 30th so get yours today. Look for posters around the cafeteria or by room 670 for how to order.

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 1st Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY.