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August 29, 2023


School Yearbooks are on sale now. The discounted price ends on Sept 30th so get yours today. Look for posters around the cafeteria or by room 670 for how to order.

Volleyball Tryout update! In the event that school is cancelled on Thursday, August 31st , 6th grade girls’ volleyball tryouts will be held next Wednesday, September 6th from 1pm to 3pm. Please make sure to you check the school announcements that will be sent out for any update. 7th and 8th grade girls’ and boys’ tryouts will remain on the same scheduled days. Reminder, you must have a waiver turned in for you to tryout. If you have any questions, please see Coach Richardson for any questions.

Any 7th or 8th grade student interested in applying for the National Junior Honor Society, please pick up an application from Mrs. Doemel or Ms. Farbo. All applications must be returned to Mrs. Doemel or Ms. Farbo by Friday, September 1st. Late applications will not be accepted. All current NJHS members must also complete a membership registration form and turn it in by September 1st. Late applications will not be accepted.

Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is looking for new members interested in learning more about the teaching profession and leadership. See Ms. Carroll in portable 4 or Ms. Kalfa in room 370 for paperwork if you’re interested in joining. You can also get information from the front office. Regular meeting days are the 3rd Thursday of each month. The First meeting is set for September 21st. You must have signed paperwork to attend. DO NOT DELAY – JOIN TODAY!

Bring your best dance moves to kick-off a new school year at FCMS with our annual Welcome Back sports theme dance! The dance will be on Friday, September 8th from 6-8pm. Come dressed in your favorite team shirt or school spirit wear. DJ, photobooth, games, pizza, cookie, and drink will be provided. We will also be collecting individual ramen cups on the night of the dance to donate to St. Johns Cares. Tickets are on sale now via Cheddar Up.