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February 25, 2025

6th graders, if you are interested in participating in the Florida 4-H Public Speaking contest, please see Ms. Sisson in 680 or let your ELA teacher know you would like more information. The school contest will be after school on March 25.

Girls’ basketball lost to the Landrum lions last night. Elarie Desuyo led the girls in scoring with 11 points. The Flyers boys also lost last night to Landrum with a score of 41 to 45. The leading scorers for the game were Maxwell Mahon with 11 points and Stephan Karam with 7 points. The Flyers will play their final home game Thursday vs the Sebastian Eagles Girls play at 5:30 and boys play at 6:30. We will be celebrating our 8th graders so please come out and support your Flyers on 8th grade night.

Attention 8th graders: The FCMS PTO is hosting the 8th grade semi-formal dance on Sunday March 9 at the St. Johns Golf and Country Club from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. You don’t want to miss this “Starry Night” sure to be filled with great fun and memories. There is a link available on the FCMS homepage to purchase tickets via Cheddar Up and more details about the dance. The number of tickets available is dwindling, so don’t delay.