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February 20, 2025

Attention all students, we are down to our last few yearbooks. Remind your parents to get yours before they are gone. Visit Ms. Reichard in room 670 for assistance in ordering.

The Flyers basketball teams will head to Murray Middle School this evening to take on the Bulldogs. The girls play at 5:30 and boys play at 6:30. Please come out and support your Flyers. The links to purchase tickets is available on the FCMS homepage.

Attention 8th graders: The FCMS PTO is hosting the 8th grade semi-formal dance on Sunday March 9 at the St. Johns Golf and Country Club from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. You don’t want to miss this “Starry Night” sure to be filled with great fun and memories. There is a link available on the FCMS homepage to purchase tickets via Cheddar Up and more details about the dance.

Students, if you have missed some days of school lately and need help getting caught up with assignments, please join our after-school tutoring sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be NJHS members available to help you with your work. The sessions are Tuesdays in Mrs. Doemel’s room and Thursdays in Ms. Farbo’s room.