The Flyers Basketball teams will travel to Sebastian Middle School to take on the Eagles and will be back home this Thursday taking on the Pacetti Bay Wildcats on teacher appreciation night. Tickets are available for purchase on SchoolPay via the links on the FCMS homepage. Concessions will be available and small bills are appreciated. Please come out and cheer on our Flyers.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club (FCA) will meet this Wednesday, February 5 right after school from 2pm to 3pm in the MPR. The club is open to all FCMS students. If you would like to have fun and fellowship with your peers, please join us. Please be sure pick-up a permission slip in room 570. Please turn in the permission slips to Coach Jill Benavides in Rm. 570. See Coach Richardson in the gym or Coach Jill Benavides if you have any questions.
There will be an NJHS all members meeting on Thursday, February 13, after school in the cafeteria. The meeting will last about 30 minutes. Please wear your NJHS t-shirt for pictures.
There will be no tutoring after school the week of February 10-14.